What is green electricity

 So-called green electricity is so called because it is environmentally friendly . Green electricity is produced by various renewable energy sources. What are they ? Is an ecological electricity supplier more expensive than a fossil or nuclear electricity supplier? Answers!

Wind energy

Wind turbines are the modern version of windmills. Onshore wind farms are scattered across the four corners of the country, as close as possible to consumers. This non-polluting technology makes it possible to produce electricity at lower cost using wind energy. Offshore wind projects have already seen the light of day and are intended to expand to increase production

Solar energy

More accessible, solar energy is captured with less impressive equipment than wind turbines. Simply place photovoltaic panels on a surface correctly oriented towards the sun. These recover the stored calories to be redistributed in the electrical circuit.

Hydraulic energy

Hydraulic power stands out for its flexibility. It occurs at water dams. The water is pumped up using excess solar or wind energy. In this way, all energy sources used in hydraulics are renewable. The green energy obtained is stored in hydroelectric plants, which present no environmental risk. It is used as green electricity is needed.

The biomass

Biomass is the product of combustion of wood waste, oilseed waste and other agricultural waste. More generally, this energy can be created by all types of organic matter. In practice, it is local biomass that is used to produce green electricity for the neighborhood. This is due to the limited amount of sustainable biomass


The term cogeneration refers to modern thermal power plants. These produce both clean electricity and green heat, which optimizes efficiency.

The price of green electricity

Contrary to what one might think, green electricity is not more expensive than other types of energy. With an additional major advantage, since it is non-polluting and ecological energy. To help preserve the environment, opt for an offer from La bellenergie . The electricity provided is 100% green, of French origin and at the best price.

Take advantage of the benefits of energy market deregulation by opting for a green electricity supplier. La Belle Énergie offers you a range of personalized solutions from French renewable sources. You can therefore take action in favor of preserving the environment

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